Monday, June 1, 2009

Scum of the Earth. and Some Stuff about Fish.

Ok, so most of you will have probably already seen the link to the KKK kid's wear I posted on Facebook, so I won't re-post it here. Here is a page with more "interesting" t-shirts. In my opinion, striking a blow against anything KKK related is a worthy cause. The KKK and neo-nazis barely register as humans in my regard, since they choose to identify with something so evil and hateful to their fellow beings it makes me want to throw up. The only reason that they even register as human in my regard is because of the careful enculturation and indoctrination that is involved in making someone a member of these societies and brainwashing them into these rabid ideologies. Neo-nazis are the worst in my opinion. Almost any education in Europe or America will show you what the Nazis did, what excuses for human beings they were, and to choose to identify with something like that...well, I'm not God, I can't claim almighty judgment, and re-education programs probably would be the most helpful thing in this scenario, but I would be lying if I said I wouldn't be happy to punch these people in the face, repeatedly. I mean that.

From my understanding, two routes of those indoctrinated into Neo-nazi society are those who are born into the ideologies or singled out loners who are "trained". Lonely kids at school whom skinheads befriend and then poison.

Just..ugh. I can't write about it anymore, even to vent. On an ideological level, on a historical level, and on a person level, thinking about all the wonderful Jewish people who have passed in and out of my life, my friends, imagining them being told that they aren't human, is too much to take.

Later, Marisa calmed down.

Here is an interesting study of sexual harrasment in guppies.

"The findings showed that females who had experienced a lot of sexual harassment were less able to recognise the other females in the group and were more likely to form bonds with new females introduced from outside their network."

Also, apparently vunerability to angling may be related to genetics in bass, says an ongoing study of 20 years.

This provides the first direct experimental evidence that vulnerability to angling is a heritable trait and, as a result, that recreational hook-and-line fisheries can cause evolutionary change in fish populations."

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