You know what I've noticed? Usually the people who claim that nerds secretly long to be included in the popular crowd are not nerds. Sure, these wannabe-peoples may exist, but most "nerds" are pretty damn happy the way they are.
Another song by a pop queen that I grudgingly like is Katy Perry's "Hot n' cold", though I only like it when it's paired with the video. I dislike Kathy Perry herself because she sang that song "I Kissed a Girl and I Liked it". Nothing better than slutty faux lesbianism! A lot of actual lesbians dislike the song as it perpetuates the stereotype that lesbians are actually girls you have threesomes with.
Apparently some girls do legitimately PMS. We learn new things....
I slept most of today since my medication backfired on me. Next week is finals week.
Another thing that I want to do over summer vacation is screen or block printing.
As you all know, I read Jezebel. While I do not agree with/am not interested in everything on the site, it can certainly be intelligent and sensitive to cultural issues. I like, for example, that it recognizes that many of the "scientific" tests geared towards proving "all women like muscular men" and similar conclusions generally contain a set of females encultured the same way, meaning that a general theory cannot be formulated from their results. What's strange, though, is what happens when discussions on the site turn to issues involving weight and its portrayal in the media.
I am a size zero. Don't ask me why they named that size the way they did, because I do not know. The reason I am a size zero is predominantly genetics, though I also didn't eat a lot of candy (or really anything) as a child. I certainly didn't give myself my metabolism, though.
Every day I read about how unrealistic my body size is. Now, I am not in favor of marketing size zero as an ideal which everybody should aspire to fit, and in fact agree that this is a dangerous thing to do. I think that there are plenty of different body types and every single one should be represented as long as the individual is healthy, as I've stated before on this blog. I've met girls skinnier than I am who complained about needing to loose weight, which scares me.
But it's also completely unfair to represent small people as unrealistic, because I exist, surprise! I am not a skinny weight-obsessed b*tch who spends her time putting others down. Also, clothing sizes keep getting bigger in an effort to play into people's insecurities with their bodies. The fashion industry markets to skinny people, but does not like to manufacturer clothing which they can actually wear.
We interrupt this rant:
"You make light of algebra now, but when you're all grown up and your friends are making logarithm jokes at cocktail parties, you won't have a clue as to what everybody's laughing at."- Mr. Dewey
This is my life, except I am in on the joke. Oh my. Also, I never watched those shows.
Anyways, it seems like a cultural assumption that I wield some sort of power from being skinny. Yes, I was born in the right place at the right time in terms of fashion, but I didn't create the zeitgeist. So when we talk about the recognition of "real women's bodies", could we include me, instead of banishing my body type to fashion shows, anorexics, bulimics, and freaks?*
Today I had lunch with Anthony and met his friend. Anthony then proceeded to give half his house away to me and the other half to his friend. I am touched by his generosity, and am sad that he's doing this because he's going back to Rio.
*Anorexics and bulimics aren't freaks.
Photocredit JAY DIRECTO/AFP/Getty Images
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