To reserve your free tickets to Pompeii and the Roman Villa, you may visit lacma.org or stop by a LACMA Welcome Center. Tickets are not avaliable by phone. Tickets are limited to four per reservation.
To reserve your tickets at lacma.org:
Select June 9 in the calendar in the upper right hand corner
Select the hour you would like to see the exhibition
Select “Add to Basket” (no cost will be added)
Pick your tickets up at LACMA’s Welcome Center"
I will most likely be taking a final on that day, but that doesn't mean you can't benefit.
Yesterday I finally decided to clean out my old purse and put the coins from it into my change jar, which promptly overflowed. For those who don't know, my old purse collected change until it was almost too heavy for me to carry. Chris would haul it around everywhere and it chose opportune moments to slip down from his shoulder and entangle his arm. "Why won't you empty this thing?", he would grumble as I smiled innocently.
I knew the dreaded time had come and headed off to the bank to collect coin wrappers. Of course, yesterday was Sunday, so the bank was closed, as I remembered-when I got there.
People don't tell you things about things involved in adulthood like coin wrapping: little, annoying tasks which take up hours of your precious life and, if you're not careful, consume you. It took me two hours to wrap the money today, and I wound up with:
$34 in quarters
$12 in dimes
$3 in nickels
$2.83 in pennies
for $51.82 in change. I would have lost 10% of that if I had used Coinstar, which in retrospect may have been worth the two hours back.
This was my first time wrapping coins, so yaaay, congrats Marisa. The only problem is that since you have to wrap a certain increment of coins I have leftover dollars which I do not want to simply cram back together in a jar. I need to make a makeshift sorter.
I could use my non-finals time to go out, orrr I could read this fascinating book on Greek culture. Going out is not going to win.
bad marisa! buy a coin sorter. cheap models can be had for less than $20. i have lots of coins, and while occasionally i like taking them to the nearest coinstar machine for the free gift cards (yes, free! includes iTunes and amazon iirc), sometimes i want to use them elsewhere. when you think about how much time this all takes, it's a worthwhile mini-investment.
I actually thought about that yesterday after posting this, and am going to get one. How much are the gift cards for, usually?
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