Saturday, April 25, 2009

Musings and Roly-polys

"You are what you think. You are what you do."
-The Dhammapada

I think that people forget the first part of this quote too often in our society. To me, it's very important, and symbolizes something I strive for.

I helped my dad garden today. I caught a blue pill bug and was going to keep it but it expended so much effort getting out of the container I put it in that I let it go. I love pill bugs, in part because I believe they are the only crustaceans to live on land. There is something so cool about them and it's great that they are so common. One day I want an ant farm for pill bugs.
Dirt is good for the body, good for the soul. I sang "Sunshowers" in the shower after being covered in it. Feeding stray cats is good for their kittens. Roses are fractalian shapes that are present in a wide variety of natural objects. Maybe the soul is a fractal, an overarching pattern present in chaos. I should study more now.

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