Thursday, April 9, 2009

Why I am Fairly Undate-able

Before I start the actual entry I would like to thank the random guys on the bus who leave seats open for me when they could easily take them. Random guys, you have unknowingly saved me from a bunch of back spasms, and I really appreciate it.

So, the title of this entry. I am fairly strange and am conservative in my personal habits. I eat condiments. I hate shaving because it makes me feel emasculated and itchy. I am not willing to date a person who smokes and have a problem with a serious significant other drinking at all or doing any other drug. Chris and I have successfully compromised on him drinking: though he never has in excess he drinks even less and I don't give him a hard time about doing so. It still irks me, but it's ok, and not a reason we'd ever break up.

I don't want children for several reasons. A serious significant other watching porn is a dealbreaker because, in my feelings, it crosses a line of intimacy. I want a Savannah monitor, which is a lizard that is very intelligent and becomes dog tame. It will beg for affection and can be trained in various ways, such as using a litter box. The caveat is that it grows to three feet in length.

Oh, and I need a cat, because life without one makes me sad.


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