Friday, April 17, 2009

Review: Pilot of "Castle" and Friday Night Foolin'

My main reason for watching this episode was Nathan Fillion from, you guessed it, Firefly. The series is about a famous murder-mystery author who is brought into an NYPD investigation after three crimes copycat his books. He instantly feels a pull of attraction and antagonism to the detective working the case. The story is not what it seems, thankfully, but what could be an incredibly witty show-and we know that Nathan Fillion can pull off witty-is riddled with cliched humor and some poor acting on other character's parts. It will take more episodes to determine if Nathan's partner-in-solving-crime can measure up to his chops. Also, despite the twist in the story, I do not like it when I can predict the characterization or joke about to follow. My impressions coming away from the show are mixed, and I hope that the following episodes can get my on their side.

To watch the episode, click here.(Host: Megavideo)

PS: Nasa wants you to "Vote for Nasa's Biggest Hits for the Home Planet". This is my email, people.

PPS: Oh my God.

Coworker #1: "Oh, I get it. They're hard core Christian books."
Coworker #2: "What's that supposed to mean?"
Scott: "Don't be offended"
Scott: "Hard core is a technical term"
Scott: "It's used to refer to Christian material where they actually show the Holy Spirit
penetrating the soul."

HEEHEEHee this does not in any way reflect my actual beliefs but LOL.

From here.

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