"introSelf Watering Garden - Using recycled water from an air conditioner
Did you ever notice that your central air conditioner has a hose that connects to the drain? I never really thought about it until one night I almost tripped because ours went across the basement floor. I cut the hose and placed a trash can there to collect the water... I figured that I would just dump it each day.I was surprised the next day to find that it had filled the trash can and made a fair sized puddle on the floor, and quite a mess with a stack of papers that was sitting there. After some rough calculations I discovered that about 350 gallons (1300 liters) was being wasted annually. (And that was a conservative estimate!)
I decided to install a pump and use this water for my small garden which was right outside the basement door. All I needed was to figure out how to spread the water evenly for the plants.
We have used this system for several years now... as soon as we move into our new home we will install the updated version described here. "
The design can be found by clicking on the link uptop.
I used to write about politics and news because they tired me. Now I don't write about politics and news because they tire me.
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