"For reasons I'm not entirely clear on, emails from my agent that forward jpgs from Germany always turn up with the colours inverted. This one -- an inversion of the upcoming German Paperback cover -- made me smile:
...ah yes, I thought. That's the sequel, all right. CORALINE APOCALYPSE."
You know, Neil Gaiman's blog is not written in a style or manner I would predict.
I am taking mini-breaks from my studying to browse the interwebs. I just listened to Fever Ray's "If I Had a Heart"(please click and listen, Chris) and loved it. The first song on their myspace has a female singer. Also, I found this article scary:
How to Be an Indie Girl!
"Regardless of the fact that indie supposedly refers to a unique quality, it has quickly developed a stereotypical style. If you're into trends, and aim to be an indie girl, get ready."
The irony of this statement is enough to send any hipster into thralls of ecstasy.
"Don't tell anyone that you oppose the mainstream music, movies, culture, etc. Your appearance, interests, books, and music should convey this. If you are caught trying to appear indie, you will be called a "hipster" or "poser," and generally, you'll look like a jackass. So this article is our little secret. Don't tell your indie friends you read it."
Oh my, there are too many ways to mock this. My head is exploding from the amount of sarcasm going through it right now.
"Get the music. This is very important. You can't be an indie girl without a large collection of obscure music.................If you are accustomed to listening to lots of pop music, R&B, or country, these bands may sound like a heap of crap."
Why would listening to music you like lead to you being judged by your friends? Oh, right, your friends are just as fake as you are!
Honestly, it did take me a little while to get accustomed to the sound of indie music when I was exploring it, but I kept listening to it because I enjoyed it, ultimately. Why would someone constantly make themselves miserable?
"After you've acquired music from these bands, begin looking for the most obscure music you can find in the indie genre. The more obscure, the better. Drop the names of the bands in conversation with other indie people. This will make you look very indie."
"I listen to bands that don't even exist yet!"-Threadless
"Buy anything at urban
Right now there is a large flashing sign saying "FAIL..FAIL..FAIL" in my head.
"DO NOT get chuck taylors (converse) shoes. These are officially out in the indie scene (everyone has them, and therefore they are no longer indie.)"
"So you've got the clothes, the hair, and the music. What's left? You've got to pick up an artsy hobby (if you dont already have one.) This should be something like painting, photography, playing an instrument, writing poetry or stories, making films, etc. Just something artsy. Not good at art? Try abstract painting. It will make you look deep, and its very easy."
Look, my snark cannot match up to the sheer stupidity of these quotes. Let's just let them make fun of themselves far more effectively than I can.
"Your lifestyle should fit with your indie girl style. Here is a list of things to do that will fit with your indie life style:
-Watch lots of independent movies.
-Ride a bicycle everywhere. Not a mountain bike though. On old fashioned one that you bought from the thrift store.
-Be a vegetarian or better yet, a vegan
-Smoke. I know it's bad for you. But all the indie kids do it. Learn to roll your own cigarettes
-Read books. Not books like "Twilight" or "Harry Potter." Read classic novels, and books about art and philosophy. Read every Hunter S. Thompson book you can find.
-Read the newspaper.
-Develope strong liberal attitudes about politics
-Join an indie band. Learn a weird instrument, like the accordian or banjo. Weird instruments make bands much more indie.
-Hang out at local coffee shops
-Buy clothes at thrift stores.
-Pretend you are poor, even if you aren't
-If you must drive a car, make sure it is a compact car or a hatch back
-Be very, very thin. You can't look good in those skinny jeans unless you are thin. Being a vegetarian should help with this."
"Have opinions about politics and philosophy, and solid reasons why you believe these things."
"Act smart. Use big words. All the things I told you to read should help."
"Every now and again, find something very indie and say you don't like it. Give reasons why. This will make it look like you're not the kind of person who likes something just because it's indie."
YOU'RE MISSING THE POINT, IN BIG TECHNICOLOR LETTERS. To the point where I must yet again abuse caps. All your fault. I hope I never meet one of these people.
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