Thursday, April 23, 2009


I've waited until the ultimate last minute to prepare my lab presentation. Honestly, I was either studying for my three midterms or trying to not be stressed. You may say that I should not need the time to try to not be stressed but I'm on medication for a reason and it actually is a requirement, not an option. And now, now of all times, my back hurts with a sharp pain. It's preventing me from working or concentrating.
Ugh. Go team Emma!

For me the line between where to ask for help and when to simply barrel through is sort of blurred. But I don't want to ask for time off. This is ridiculous, I should be able to work just as well as everyone else, not to mention that I'm sure that people I know have afflictions of their own which they don't complain about. In fact, I know a couple people reading this blog who have chronic health problems of their own. In conclusion, shut up Back. You're not special.

1 comment:

Ted said...

Having a crapload to do is the direct result of having picked a set of classes which are designed to very likely gang rape you with the lovely choreographer called 'limited schedule' to assist. Then again, 3 midterms in your face at one time is pretty inevitable regardless of the classes you chose, but if you have to study hard for all of them, then it probably wasn't a good idea to take all of them at the same time.
BUT, I don't know how UCSD lets you handle class registration. Probably the same way as every other college?

Anyways, avoid death.
