Sunday, March 15, 2009

It's really early or late

So Dylan introduced me to a site entitled "One Hundred Videos You Should Have Seen", and it has led to a whole bunch of time-wasting-before-finals. Today I am going into hardcore study mode, so I am not that nervous about taking a little extra time. I've enjoyed watching extra videos of Chad Vader since everything is funnier when acted out by an someone in a Vader suit. There are plenty of others that are worth seeing, and some that I will never get minutes of my life back from.

I also played a bunch of LOTRO yesterday. It was fun, especially since many guildies are just as into nerdy jokes as I am. I wish I could remember some of our exchanges to post them here, but suffice it to say that they involve astronomy, quantum physics, and various random talking about sharks, amoung other things. Crafting takes much too long, also.

My parents visited today, which was fun. We went to TGI Fridays, bought my books for the new semester and some groceries. We then all took a long nap. I am very excited about potential patio furniture because of my liking for basking in the sun.

So, yes. Lazy day.

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