Monday, March 23, 2009


Rereading LOTR reminds me of my imaginings of a society where technology and nature were intertwined, and trees bioengineered so that their branches interlaced to create dwellings with beautiful stones set in their natural bark, electricity derived from the organism while the waste of the household fed it. Mass production, as with all things, has its wise and not so wise uses.

It's interesting to me to note the differences the Protestant work ethic has created in our culture. On one hand, it puts the dreariness of any work for money over self improvement and betterment, in a way, though it could be argued that this is capitalism's work more than anything else. On the other, it fuels the drive for independence.

In my visits and dealings with European culture, it seems to me as if anti-intellectualism never gained the foothold there that it has here, most likely due to the history of the culture.

I had some beautiful dreams and awful nightmares last night. If my memory is correct, some took place in a dreamscape which has never been used before.

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