Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I now have a photobucket with 273 pictures from our trip. I'm not done uploading and tranferring, but I hope you enjoy!

I sometimes wonder about our capacity to accept aliens in the future. If they were of a different genetic build it would perhaps in a strange way be easier than if they were similar to us.

Gaiylee came back today. I was happy to see her and know that she was alive. This was quickly turned when she hit and snarled any of the children that came near her. I felt so angry when Socks, who is sick and throwing up, came to her for comfort and stood there, using his precious energy to wait for his mama's reassurance while she completely ignored him.

I know that's what cats do in most cases, though Mother never did. It's a clause in many parts of the animal kingdom to remember food but not children. Yet I could not suppress my emotions watching her hurt the kids she protected so well to their detriment. Of course there was a practical side; the yard is the kitten's home, and a hostile intruder was not welcome there. She had obviously recently given birth, and I was sympathetic to that. Where or when were a mystery. The kittens in our backyard will be spayed, but there seems to be no way to catch her now, which worries me because of the exponential rates at which animals can reproduce.

How am I? Staving off balancing my social and academic life and reading books I read before. Horribly jetlagged, but functioning.

1 comment:

KG said...

I have a lot of imaginings regarding aliens. All of them are probably never going to happen, though.
I imagine humanity in general would never trust an alien race and the alien race would never be able to live down the fact that they are an alien race. Similarly, I expect the alien race to feel the same way about us.
As for myself, though, I imagine I'd try to empathize or even befriend with them.
However, it's always possible that the aliens we meet will emit carbon monoxide or have a body temperature of 300 degrees Celsius or screech supersonic noise to communicate or just stink really really bad.
No way to know at this point.