Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Has anyone created a Captain America comic that comments on American policy today?

Remember when I was talking about the SKOY cloth? Apparently Trader Joe's has a product that's basically the same. I'm going to use it and write about my thoughts here. One will be used for cleaning and the other for cleaning up random messes and spills. Here is a quote from the back:

"This cloth is created from 100% Viscose, a miracle fabric.." (Way to make me suspicious, Trader Joe's) that absorbs over 10 times its weight in any liquid."

Let's Google Viscose, shall we?

Wikipedia tells us that "Cellulose from wood or cotton fibres is treated with sodium hydroxide, then mixed with carbon disulfide to form cellulose xanthate, which is dissolved in more sodium hydroxide. The resulting viscose is extruded into an acid bath, either through a slit to make cellophane, or through a spinneret to make rayon. The acid converts the viscose back into cellulose...Viscose currently is becoming less common because of the polluting effects of carbon disulfide and other by-products of the process, forcing some factories to close."

Trading one evil for another. Either we cut down the forests or make the water undrinkable. Everybody wins, and by wins I mean dies.

I have no idea what the credibility of Wisegeek is, but here are some quotes:
"...including some of the products that many people use every day that are made from this substance."
Wiki also mentions this. Apparently viscose is really common, especially in apparel, and is used in Nylon sometimes. The things we learn from random research. Here is a table from Time
(Yes, as in The Times).

Figures in millions of pounds consumed:

_______Raw Cotton__Wool_____Silk____Rayon

So I have lots of work to do, or I would probably start looking up polymers and other things that are lots of fun. Feel free to do your own research and post it up here.

I finally added a "Household Products" tag but can only remember two entries where I discuss them. I still haven't finished tagging all of the "Random Thoughs" entries, either.

Here is an interesting post on good startup search engines that I will read in full later. Also, I was a little skeptical about Cracked's post about the blind man who learned to echolocate, but now an article on the phenomenon is on Wired and if humans can do this I want to learn. I have officially converted Chris to Cracked(.com)! Go me.


Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing this link - but unfortunately it seems to be down? Does anybody here at schizotypalvamp.blogspot.com have a mirror or another source?


SchizotypalVamp said...

I'm assuming you mean the Cracked post; it's here:
