Friday, May 29, 2009

Closing thoughts

I had a weird experience today. I was in my physical therapy session while the radio was playing, and the station mentioned that it was "such and such a number for San Diego!". I did a double-take, not because I had thought I was in LA, but because this place felt like home to me. And the San Diego they were mentioning, the zoo, the wild animal park, was the San Diego from the conference my mom and dad attended down here before I came to UCSD. It was a strange moment.

It makes me happy that Grecian religion was never simple Classical Homeric tradition, that it has various cults and practices stemming from the Bronze Age. I don't know why, but every time I hear about something like this it seems more like a testament to the creativity and individualism of the human race than anything else.

Backus-Naur form: did they teach this to the linguists?

Oh, all right, I'll write about my day. I had a ton of insomnia followed by this crazy dream where Alexander Jacobson and I were going to high school and college at the same time and had to star in a play for Mrs. Creig, my middle school band teacher. I was in LA and ended up taking the wrong bus, then woke up after my alarm had been going off for fifteen minutes and waking up my neighbors. I wanted a danish but didn't get one. Also, Ben stole Ilya's place. Then everyone talked about lab equipment and I listened, then there were presentations and I listened. Then I saw the 30 pass me by, thought I had forgotten my phone in the lab, realized it was in my bag, missed the 30 again, decided to buy a panini, and missed the 30 a third time. Then I came home and did Marisathings until I went to physical therapy and then I did more Marisathings. Also, this is boring so I'm going to stop writing about it. See? See what you made me do? Pollute my blog with boringness. All your fault.

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