Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sad and Happy

This is a heartbreaking story about a woman who had to have a late term abortion. I couldn't get through the entire article, and started crying in the middle. Those supposed people who would simply have an abortion without a second thought most likely don't exist. Even I, completely pro-choice, disbelieving the "fact" that a cluster of 500 cells is a human being, who never wants to have children, would think long and hard before choosing abortion. It's not just some simple thing that people do.

I've noticed that Joss Whedon has found many ridiculously beautiful unknowns, like the people who played Jenny Calendar, Saffron, Kendra, Kate Lockley, and Rebbecca Lowell(pictured). But the people he casts don't have to be beautiful or conform to certain Hollywood stereotypes.

Also for your consideration:

"But it was all a dream. A creepy, mullet-headed, checkered-shirted dream."

Both are from Jezebel. Warning: Last video links to a lot of other parodies which may cause unwarranted procrastination. Actually, it didn't for me because I'm reading something interesting, but just in case! The "Penny Lane" one has very funny parts, though.

I was thinking about how interesting it would be to study history and literature in the order in which it took place and was written, from Mesopotamia to the Indo-European cultural drift to..well, there is a lot of history, and you get the gist. I wonder how many parallels and conclusions about society you could draw. It's my intent to someday work out a version of this project, though I'm not keen on re-reading the myth discussing how this one god raped this goddess and then had sex with her daughter then had sex with his granddaughter and then his great-granddaughter etc for several generations until someone decided to have revenge on him and made him eat vegetables made from his own semen, so he got ill and the only way to get better was to have sex with the original person he raped. This myth left an impression on my fourteen-year-old mind, and the Mesopotamians wrote some very bloody, vulgar stuff, did you know? Then again, so do some Americans.

Would a review of history, society, art, and literature in this way downplay the individual role in human creativity? I think, on the contrary, it would show how human creativity channeled the forces around it intentionally or otherwise and used imagination to add to culture. Although, it would probably throw the eternal battles of human nature and repetitiveness in perspective. Every time something new has been added to the arsenal defending either side, though, or almost every time. We have the Greeks questioning the nature of language as a tool of communication, then Derrida coming along with deconstruction, and now our beautiful-but-flawed scientific field of linguistics.

I did my housecleaning today, including cleaning out the fridge, which involved a battle with a tall tribe of amazonian mold clusters and several species of gremlins. Actually, it wasn't that bad. I'll clean the bathroom next week, or procrastinate on cleaning it next week. One of these two will happen.

Um. Other things happened, I thought about other things, and I didn't go out. I'll go out later, I promise.

1 comment:

A Serious Girl said...

That article about the late-term abortion? Holy shit. I read the whole thing and when I finished I realized I hadn't been breathing. What an incredibly devastating story. What an incredibly cruel and stupid ex-President.