Saturday, May 30, 2009

Mad Scientist Marisa

Today I went out to lunch at CPK with Anthony, which was a lot of fun. No whispers about me going out with him, as he's older than I and married. We're off limits for each other the way that Saddam Hussein's bunker was impenetrable for cruise missiles.

PS I completely agree with the article "6 Sci-Fi movie conventions(That Need to Die)", though the authors forgot about "using sound in space". Or in George Lucas's case, using a sonic charge in space. And ships sinking when disarmed, and spouting on fire. In space. Also, I think everyone here will appreciate this article on the "5 Deadly Sci-Fi Gadgets You Can Actually Build". I am going to build a Tesla Coil this summer, although I wish I could build a jetpack. I wonder if there is any way to improve the quality of that laser...
Speaking of lasers, apparently Boeing is building a laser that can be shot from an aircraft 10,000 miles up and is capable of making a hole in a tank. But where will they get the power for their railguns? Also, I'm pretty sure that the automatic robot warrior idea was stolen from "Fallout", and that's what kept killing me when I was invading the second-to-last base haphazardly.

PS did you know that Russia has the highest rate of infidelity in the world, followed by Brazil? Brazil I saw coming, but Russia I did not.

Also, I want some thermite. Don't ask me why, but I have the feeling that a substance that reaches 2500 degrees F when it burns comes in handy at times.

I don't feel like writing anymore, so have a good night everyone!

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