Saturday, May 16, 2009

Early Afternoon Tea

I feel very good right now. A weight has been lifted from my shoulders and my mind is responding in accord. I'm not out of the woods, not yet, but the progress is extremely encouraging.

I've been thinking about literary theory. The subject is based on the material that came before it and is always changing. It is like science in a way, because careful study and experimentation must be done to determine the basics, although rules are much harder to determine because of the vast generative power of the mind. Different minds also do not follow the same rules and the same mind can follow different sets of rule, or at least that's how I like to think of it. The thought of an overriding generative algorithm scares me, so I admit I have a bias. Thank god for Godel's theorem. I prefer to think of the mind in some ways as a fractal. I wonder what work has been done along that line? I believe I will look it up.

I just found a baby stick bug on my ceiling. I'm going to go and contemplate the implications of that.

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