Saturday, May 9, 2009


The picture is M.I.A reading.

I really like this article on the fashion exhibit at the MET. I do feel as if some of the points it makes are valid, such as the fact that fashion photography can be art and models can have an effect on the decision-making within that art. Boccaccio never satirized young women lining up to be painted during the Renaissance and my belief is that if some of the greatest social critics of the time never commented on such a phenomenon it never happened. I had a point but then I lost it.

Also, a Baptist school is threatening to expel a student for taking his girlfriend, who goes to a public high school, to her prom. Why? Because there are all of those low cut dresses and bare shoulders which fill a man's head with dirty thoughts. Sadly, that actually is the reason-one has to wonder exactly how pervy these older men are if they don't believe this guy can resist these temptations. Also, as one commentator stated, if you tell a person that they can't control themselves he or she is less likely to do so.

Flirtexting. If a book's byline is "how to text your way into his heart", put it down and back away slowly.

My parents visited today. We had a fun time talking about cats, my brother Christopher's new job and family things. Christopher's job is high-stress, but his secretary orders his food for him, he has a great office, and his clothes get dry-cleaned for free. Anyways, he's doing great work there. For those who are wondering, he works as the sole lawyer for a loan consolidation company. My parents went to visit him before coming to see me, and the family of the owner came out to see them. Parentals also haven't found a condo in the area which tickles their fancy. At Petsmart mom wanted to steal the kittens which were still there, and I think that if I wanted to come home the weekend of the 22nd I would be welcomed. Also, there were some really adorable and fuzzy puppies which Chris would have stolen in a minute that I had fun petting. We made the usual rounds and ate at Rubio's, then headed home.

Fans of "Bones" should watch the latest episode as soon as possible. While the premise is untrue to the character in my opinion...just go watch it, right now. Also, Justin Timberlake is going to be on SNL again tonight.

I barely got any sleep last night for absolutely no reason. I think I slept at most four or five hours, so I'm not feeling very awake at the moment, and I still have to exercise. We'll see what I make of the rest of the day.

This is the stuff I am too sleepy to articulate in words right now. I sound stoned, it's really bad.

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