Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ways to Scar an Innocent Mind

So you're sick. A normal, sane person at this point would decide to lie down on his or her bed with a good book, or, in my case, movie, because reading is making my eyes go on spin cycle. But I check my blogger homepage. And look! WWHM has an update!

Since you're not nauseous enough at this point, you decide to click on "18 of the world's most disturbing sex toys". And then you decide, hey, why not follow the link at the bottom to "The 6 Strangest Objects People Have Sex With"? One of the people featured in the latter dug a hole in the ground. And had sex with it. After videotaping himself doing it with street signs.

Pavlov? I think I need a few more electric shocks before I learn to stay away from *bzzzzzt*.

WTF is erotic knifeplay? I..I'll wash but I'll never be clean.

Later edit, from the Onion: Texas Constructs U.S. Border Wall to Keep Out Unwanted Americans:

""The truth is, Americans are just different from us," Turner added. "We don't even speak the same language.""

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