Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Aliens, Egyptians, and Opera

Last night I dreamed many dreams, one of which involved aliens coming to earth while I was part of a government agency based in an old Egyptian temple. These aliens actually did come in peace, despite the fact that the government tried to shoot them several times and failed to injure them. Apparently, since people on earth had started to believe in them, they had come back, and the only thing which could hurt them was the valuable metal tied to sacrifice: gold. Naturally, the government agency then used gold weapons to subdue several aliens so that they could be taken in for questioning and autopsy. But since the aliens had come back, an old Hindu god of sloth and drinking woke up in the basement and started shooting fireballs everywhere. I was with a little boy and we had a book to identify him which we hastily flipped through after another boy fell on the god and was eaten. Anyways, after the god person took down a bunch of troops and started converting people to his side, the army commander and I lured him into the river which ran through the bottom of the temple which was supposed to purify all things. This would get rid of the god for a few thousand years. Then there was a dream where I was supposed to go to the opera but my dad gave me the wrong impression and I didn't fit the dress code in a short blue dress and it looked like I couldn't go but then I did anyways and a guy tried to get me to buy magic tricks because everyone thought I was about twelve.

Anyways. You know what drives me nuts? When people consistently attempt to push their boundaries. This also inspires me to constantly try to push their boundaries. I had more to say, but I forgot. The yoga really did help me, FYI.

I will join Twitter if you give me your Twitter names to follow you.


Chris said...

Join us, join us... (I don't have a twitter).
(As you would say).

Jane said...


janeylicious. obviously. :)