Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Breaktime! Review: Parks & Recreation

The show focuses on a slightly too upbeat member of the Parks and Recreation department in some state which I can't remember. This main character is played by Amy Poehler, who is my entire reason for watching this show (Arrested Development love. And the sooner all of you watch it, the sooner I can stop linking it. The same goes for Firefly.). The show is an "The Office" style mockumentary that it is done, for the most part, in a slightly more realistic fashion. So far it suffers from the comparison as Poehler is honestly not measuring up to Steve Carrell, but pilots generally tend not to be as good as following episodes in my experience. The best line so far comes from Poehler's boss: "...I don't want this Parks department to build any parks, because I don't believe in government. I think that all government is a waste of taxpayer money. My dream is to have the park system privatized and run entirely for profit by corporations, like Chuck E Cheese..." Also, it has that really pretty girl from "The Office" who played Jim's girlfriend Karen. I did like the way the message at the end was conveyed, as it was subtle enough to not feel cheesy or saccharine.

If you want to see the episode, click here .

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