Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Worst Porn Ever

This claim isn't something that I can verify with first-hand judgment, but the editorial entitled "The Worst Porn Ever" on Outpost Nine always makes me laugh. Many of you have probably already seen this, considering that I discovered the site in high school, but just in case I'm posting it here. The porn involves cripples, underage girls, and rape-turned on yet? All of the lesbianism in the world can't save this thing. Regardless of the twisted minds that dreamed the porn up, and God, who the hell is this marketed to? The shell-shocked editorial is hilarious.

PS In case it wasn't clear, no, I don't watch porn or want to. If you do have fun, I don't care and it's none of my business, but keep it healthy and we wouldn't be able to date.


Anonymous said...

how many hours a day do you watch porn then?


Chris said...

You wouldn't be able to date someone anyways, Ms. Engaged.

SchizotypalVamp said...

Figures that this post would get the most comments ever, lol. I meant hypothetically, Mr I'm Engaged to You.

MG: 36