Monday, April 27, 2009

Tech Support People Can be *Bad Word*

This is Monkey. Isn't he cute? He's sitting on top of the jewelry box Chris's mom gave me. My mom brought the necklace in front of him back from Michigan for me and the earrings as a gift in Trinidad. I realize that I need to dust.

This morning the wifi network I was connecting to was barely working. I suppose that probably also stemmed from the fact that people were using it at that time, but either way I did not have access the to internet. After scheduling a doctor's appointment for the referral to physical therapy that my insurance is demanding I bought a new modem from the AT&T store. When I connected the new modem the power light was still red, and I then realized there was one thing I had not checked: the cable itself. Durrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Yup, the old modem still works; I just needed a new power cable. The new modem wasn't exactly cheap, either, at $79.99, and I'm lucky that my parents can afford to replace things like that after putting the downpayment on a car. I am torn between trying to returning it or keeping it as an emergency backup.

I also bought myself a new bag since my old one has a lot of tears in its seams. I have to find a way to cover up the trendy Ralph Lauren brand on it. Right now I'm doing the last vestiges of my work on the rat brain project. I haven't managed to get good pictures of my aquarium yet, so I will post those up later. I've been busy all day, whee.


Jane said...

You sellout! I mean, just cover it up with a bunch of buttons and stuff.

Also, return the modem. Do you really need to keep it? I've had *one* modem cause problems, and thinking about it after the fact, it wasn't actually the source of the problems, but time warner was nice enough to replace it for free and the new one looks shinier and is smaller.

Failing cables is a lot more common than you'd imagine, but people never think about it unless there's obvious damage done to the cable (i.e. a pet or rodent chewing them, or someone purposefully damaging them, or accidentally being cut, etc.).

SchizotypalVamp said...

That's the thing, my parents have had that same modem since forever now. Maybe we should switch to Time Warner, they sound nicer than AT&T. I think I'll probably return it, no use wasting eighty bucks.