Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Quick Review: Episode Three of "Castle"

"Castle"'s directors made a wise choice picking Nathan Fillion for their lead, as I'm sure that most people could not play the role as endearing and effortlessly as he does. His natural charisma is essentially what carries the show. Though his partner's acting skills have definitely and thankfully improved since the first episode she is still eye candy and stereotypical mysterious tough-girl allure more than anything else. What I like about this show is that it's hard to predict who the murderer is from the beginning and that the one-liners are definitely improving. In this past episode the interaction between Castle's personal and "professional" life is well done and touches on universal issues of parenthood, although I believe that the official story had too many twists in it. Despite that, it was still entertaining to watch, and not implausible. The improvement between episodes is encouraging, and I actually stand to get hooked.

Watch the episode here:

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"When Hugh Jackman heard that 800 people lined up a day early for the X-Men Origins: Wolverine premiere in Tempe, Arizona, he personally called a local cafe and treated everyone to a breakfast of coffee and pastries. " Source

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