Wednesday, April 22, 2009


So, the author of XKCD linked to a site called Omegle. You are randomly connected to a chat with a complete stranger. I thought I'd give the site a try myself.

Stranger: heyy m or f
You: hello
You: f
You: you?
Stranger: ooh where from?
Stranger: m
You: CA
You: where are you from?
You: I'm engaged, you should know
Stranger: PA
Stranger: thats hawt
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You: Hello
Stranger: Heyy
Stranger: Religion?
You: Deist
You: you?
Stranger: OHHH!
Stranger: I've never met a deist!
You: lol
Stranger: Do you like seriously practice it, or do you believe it?
You: I believe in one god who is the root of all religions, and I pray to that god and try to do good by that god, so I'd say yes
Stranger: Deism is believing that God created the universe and walked away, right?
You: yes
Stranger: Ohh funfunnnn
Stranger: Do you hate Christians?
You: no
You: that would be silly of me
You: lol
Stranger: Ohhh
Stranger: I despise em ha.
Stranger: Well
You: I hate people who are bible thumpers
Stranger: Not all of them
Stranger: Just thier religion
You: why?
Stranger: Kaythxbye\

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I kind of gave up after that.

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