Saturday, April 4, 2009

Marisa Keeps Blogging too Much

Someone on Gawker commented that this model's arm looks like something out of a UNICEF commercial. I am inclined to agree.

Oh, and I just remembered something amusing from yesterday. While debating the backup system yesterday, the tech guys were frequently called geeks. Wait, wait, we're not geeks?

"If one more young woman refers to herself and her girlfriends as "crazy," I'm burning this whole thing down. Unless you and your girlfriends are murdering drifters just to get your down-below bits going, or sitting on a city bus yelling at dust motes about the Asians, y'all are not crazy. You're just regular people who like to have fun. Saying "we're crazy!!" is not going to get anyone to think that you're extra super special fun any more than assigning yourselves various Sex and the City character names and going to brunch all the time will affirm to anyone that your particular sisterly bonds are stronger than the ones other ladies have with their friends. Unfortunately in this world, no one is that special. Do you get what I'm saying here, or am I, um, crazy?"

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