Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I Have Officially Defeated the Evil

So as it turned out, I had about eight minutes to get ready for my appointment. I quickly ran into the shower because I thought that my physical therapist would appreciate it, gargled with mouthwash, and threw on some clothes. The combination of mouthwash and chocolate milk apparently forms a smell like minty Robitussin, for future reference. I left and arrived five minutes late. Girls kept smiling at me on the sidewalk, which was nice but sort of creepy. I wonder if they had some sort of reason to laugh at me? Anyways, apparently the physical therapists double book their clients, which actually does not interfere with the attention a person gets. I did a bunch of exercises, got massaged and a heated back. The muscle relaxant really helped, as I got a good night's sleep and my back isn't stabbing me with knives afterward. In fact, everything hurts less. I scheduled another appointment for Friday.

I came home and spent some time on Gawker, but decided to work on the rat brain project and get it done once and for all. Let me tell you, this was no easy feat and I nearly gave up several times, but I am done with all of it. It feels extraordinarily good, especially after four and a half hours, which by the end of I was even beginning to tire of Firefly. Now I am going to go weep for what's left of my sanity. Actually, I'm probably going to do some pleasure reading of the Upanishads, then either work on my schoolwork or my other projects. A shower and watching the third episode of "Castle" from a working link sounds good, also. Although there are only a few dishesthey are starting to smell, so I may do something about that. Also, I believe Ilya and I are going to hang out on Friday because there is no lab meeting since the professor has to fly out of town on family business.

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