Thursday, April 23, 2009


I've changed the comment settings so that anonymous users can comment and have added a "tags" section.

The second episode of "Parks and Recreation" was much better than the first and included a lot of on-target jokes, a lot of funny happenings, and the reinforcement of the pointed message of how much effort it would take a normal person in the lower ranks of government to stay positive. Watch the episode here.

The first time we saw the calico kitten was when I held the black kitten. She was hiding in one of the tubes in the window box and Chris picked her up and held her for a little while. When I next went to visit Petsmart she started meowing and rubbing against the glass when she saw me. Today she meowed and kneaded her paws. I think I need to steal her.

It's very nice to be able to stand up straight! I am also extremely fond of baby kiwis-kiwi taste without the peeling. You can get a pack at Trader Joe's for $3.99.

So, about Reavers-do you think they breed? Because if not, all of them will die of old age within a certain timeline except for the secondary Reavers, who are much fewer. Between the exposure to radiation, self-mutilation and such things, an average Reaver's lifespan is probably at most fifty years.

An oldy but a goody:

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